Your 11-Month-Old Baby’s Developmental Milestones and Activities

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Leah Alexander, MD, FAAP

Your baby is now 11 months old! He is on his way to being officially a toddler! He has started to balance his body and use his legs at this stage. This stage shows his eagerness to explore the world around him. Your baby is more mobile.

Some dangers to your baby at this stage are risks of falls, accidental poisonous foods, drowning, and electrical hazards. Thus, it is necessary that you are always on guard as to his movements. Otherwise, baby-proof your house.

It helps to understand your 11-month-old baby’s developmental milestones so that you can choose activities that are appropriate for his developmental skills. This knowledge allows you to have an enjoyable time with your 11-month-
old baby while providing a safe environment for him.

Developmental Milestones

Nothing beats preparations and expectations. Get geared up for his milestones!

Motor Skills

Your baby stands upright most of the time

During this stage, your baby explores around while holding onto furniture or your hands. He even tries walking on his own. Some babies also try to stand on their toes or on one leg.

Your baby climbs on things

Your baby becomes adventurous during this month! He climbs on practically everything like stairs, tables, countertops, crib railing, and other things.

Your baby perfects his pincer grasp

As your baby perfects his grasp, he opens anything that he sees with knobs and handles such as cabinets, drawers, and similar ones. Keep your baby safe by locking up chemicals, cleaning products, or cosmetics that may cause him harm.”

Sensory Development

Your baby bounces to music

Your baby’s body becomes aware of the sound of music. He is aware now of some popular nursery rhymes.

Your baby vocalizes songs

He starts to vocalize songs since he can already say one or two words. Research shows that exposing your baby to music and dance from a young age improves his music and speech development (Grant, 2018).

Social-Emotional and Cognitive Skills

Your baby starts to talk

Your baby continues to build communication skills. Plus, he is starting to understand more of what you are saying, says Dr. Segura, MD, FAAP.

Your baby becomes conscious of objects

Your baby increases his consciousness of the objects around him. He explores what the objects are for and tries them on himself.

He becomes more communicative

Your baby uses his hands more to communicate. He also responds to simple directions.

Your 11-Month-Old Baby’s Developmental Activities

Activities with Your 11-Month-old Baby

These activities are opportunities for bonding with your baby and discovering more of his skills.

1. Stand, Walk, and Play

As he has started to explore things and places, active toys, blocks, and books are appropriate to play with. There are many multistage tricycles that are designed for parents to take their almost-toddlers out and enjoy the beautiful nature.

2. Crawl and Climb

Your baby does more activities on crawling and searching for toys. These activities make him stronger in the process.

3. Read and Listen to Stories

To make reading more fun, you can be creative and use a puppet or a stuffed animal to make the storytelling more vivid. Reading is a great activity to help your 11-month-old learn new things, stay away from digital screens, and to spend quality time with her favorite person – you!

4. Plan a Trip or an Outing

As your baby’s mobility increases, you are also gaining a shopping buddy! Your little one will be thrilled to go to a grocery store or a shopping mall with you. If the weather permits, it will be a wonderful experience to take your tot to a park or a playground, or simply take a stroll with her in the neighborhood.

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